the place for conversations that will compliment your journey with jesus and help you cultivate greater confidence

Articles by Liv

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Prayer is my love language, but it didn’t always start that way. It started out feeling overwhelming and scary. If that’s you, I’m here to tell you, you’re already on the right track! Now, let me help you pray with greater ease and enjoyment.

5 Ways to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

the latest

Today, we are continuing to pursue integrity as we talk to Brenna Blain about how to have hard conversations about sexuality, mental health, and other subjects.

Sexuality and Other Necessary Subjects


Brenna Blain

It’s time to get serious about your calling and commit to the hard work of healing so you can lead with integrity. Thankfully, Jo Saxton, is here to help us with that as we talk about leading beyond brokenness, regret, and jealousy so that we may obtain the integrity and character necessary to influence others well.

Leading Beyond Brokenness, Regret, and Jealousy


God loves to partner with women to accomplish big things within the Kingdom, but we first have to get started. Rebecca George is the author of Do The Thing, and she is here to help us view our purpose with an eternal perspective as we set out to answer God’s calling.

Rebecca George

Is your walk with the Lord about the big, impressive things you can replicate, or is it about obedience? Nicole O. Salmon is back to help us fiercely guard our God-given purpose without apology.

Guarding Your God-Given Purpose without Apology


Nicole O. Salmom

God is our Heavenly Father, but when you’ve experienced pain and rejection, it can be hard to trust that is who He is. Thankfully Kia Stephens is with us this week as we talk about God’s attributes and the opportunity to bring all of our emotions to Him. He’s a big God, sis. He can handle them.

Exchanging Your Pain for God’s Perfect Love


Kia Stephens on The Best Kept Secret

Sis, God wants to bless every part of your life because our relationship with Him is not just founded in what we can do for Him. It’s founded in who we become as a result of being with Him. Let’s talk about His faithfulness with Simi John.

Take the quiz

It took me entirely too long to own my voice as an author and a Bible teacher. I don't want the same for you! Take the quiz I've created to help you identify with a Biblical figure as you learn from their strengths AND weaknesses. Have a feeling you may be dealing with a little imposter syndrome or some self sabotage that's eating away at your confidence? This is the test for you!

Take My Free 

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let's grow together!


let's meet

Can We Get to Know One Another?

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Your confidence directly affects your ability to communicate and collaborate with others. Let's find out what your confidence style is?

learn what areas you can strengthen

Take the next step towards the Most Confident Version of Yourself...

Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul 

Have you ever realized that

The Embarrassing Thing About Unfollowing Friends

My finger hovered over the

5 Things to Do to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

If prayer feels overwhelming

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