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Prayer is my love language, but it didn’t always start that way. It started out feeling overwhelming and scary. If that’s you, I’m here to tell you, you’re already on the right track! Now, let me help you pray with greater ease and enjoyment.
Today, Becky Beresford helps us think about the messages we are consistently inundated with in culture that conflict with the Word and the pursuit of contentment.
Today, Lisa V. Fields, founder of the Jude 3 Project takes us behind the scenes to learn about the importance of pursuing contentment in the Lord.
It is all too easy to accept cultural trends, especially when those trends are loosely tied to Scripture. After all, it sounds good, right? Today, we’re going to look at five considerations you should make to reflect on whether Christians should practice manifestation or not.
What do you do when you are going through a wilderness season? Faith Eury Cho, author of Friendship with God, is here to help us learn how we can cultivate greater intimacy with God in the middle of the wilderness.
How do you continue to worship when your children fail to follow the Lord that you have taught them to seek? Pamela Henkelman is here to help us learn to show grace and offer presence in the midst of rebellion, and it is one that I hope you lean into.
Did you know that more than 1/3 of the psalms are psalms of lament? Today, Natasha Smith is here to help us discover how grief, acceptance, and healing work together.
Sexual abuse affects every single congregation across North America, and yet, we are still hesitant to address it. Today, we’re talking to Mary Demuth about how to become safe communities in spite of the abuse our sisters and brothers have experienced.
Mephibosheth shows up in one of the sweetest scriptures in all of 1 and 2 Samuel, and yet the way he is treated over time also reminds us that we have much work to do in the body of Christ concerning our loved ones who are disabled. Today, Jennifer Ji-Hye Ko is joining us to host one of THE most important conversations we have ever had on The Best Kept Secret. Thank you for being here.
You might be surprised how your identity can help or hinder your opportunity to worship the Lord. But thankfully, Tasha Jun, author of Tell Me the Dream Again: Reflections on Family, Ethnicity, and the Sacred Work of Belonging is here with us.
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It took me entirely too long to own my voice as an author and a Bible teacher. I don't want the same for you! Take the quiz I've created to help you identify with a Biblical figure as you learn from their strengths AND weaknesses. Have a feeling you may be dealing with a little imposter syndrome or some self sabotage that's eating away at your confidence? This is the test for you!
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Your confidence directly affects your ability to communicate and collaborate with others. Let's find out what your confidence style is?
Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul
Have you ever realized that
The Embarrassing Thing About Unfollowing Friends
My finger hovered over the
5 Things to Do to Develop Your Prayer Life Today
If prayer feels overwhelming