If you have been listening in to The Best Kept Secret, you know we are looking into productivity tips in the Bible. You see, when we look at productivity in the Bible, we find that we prioritize the meaningful above the millions of other things that this world tells us we should be doing.
Say it with me, “I am that I’m not building my life around my work. I am building my work around my life. I am worthy, even when I am at rest.” Sis, it’s that rest that refuels our work so let’s talk about it.
The Spirit is Willing, Butttt….
I’ve needed additional supports during my devotional time and my nighttime routines. I don’t have to be legalistic about it or anything, but I do want to be wise, and my morning devo time is (normally) amazing. Scripture tells us the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. In those times where we feel as if the Lord is leading us to do something and we want to within our spirit, but there’s some disconnect, we may need to put in other tools to help us.
Much like the reminder that I set in the evening, my spirit wants to calm down, have a relaxing evening and pray, and prepare for the next day, but my flesh rises up and says, “No, no, just five more minutes.: Before you know it, that five minutes has turned into half an hour or an hour, and I’m rushing to get into bed to have a conversation with my husband before we go to bed.
Stop Feeling Guilty About Needing Help

I have never needed a habit tracker before (and it’s my prayer that I won’t be one much longer), but I’ve started using one. I recognize that I need one in this season, and that’s okay. Say it with me, “that’s okay.”
This habit tracker is helping me because it’s reminding me of the importance of faithfulness. It’s time to stop feeling guilty about the help we need. Everyone needs it, and we’re better for it. I’m sorry, but Wonder Woman is overrated (and so is Superwoman). There, I said it.
Can We Pray?
Father, in the name of Jesus, we just thank You and we praise You for the opportunity to learn what You want to say over our lives. My God, we trust You and everything that You are doing. Set our priorities this week. Help us to choose the best.
Show us the tools, resources and accountability partners that we can put into place or notify that we need their help so that we can pursue the meaningful over the millions of other things this world tells us we should be doing. In Jesus’s name we pray, amen.
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