Athanasius, one of our North African fourth-century Church fathers, once said, “Most of Scripture speaks to us; the Psalms speak for us.”
I oooohed and ahhhhed as soon as I heard the quote because it captured my sentiments exactly, and you may be meditating on it as well.
There’s just something about the Psalms.
King David and the Psalms
King David was not the only author of the Psalms, but he was one of the most well-known. Together with the others who wrote the Psalms across centuries, he gave some of our deepest pain poetry to help us pray and access God’s presence.
Although he was not the only author, the Psalms he wrote were written within a specific context. That context enriches our understanding of the words he shared and the ways we find our hope in God. I’d love to help you explore it in new ways.
Most scholars believe that King David wrote seventy-three of the Psalms. However, Acts 4:23-31 names King David as the author of Psalm 2, as well. Because all scripture is God-breathed, as we learn in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, I have included it for our study as well.
Still, whether we are looking at the Psalms David wrote or not, the Psalms capture our greatest questions, fears, struggles, and celebrations in ways our own words seem to fail from time to time.
God’s Faithfulness Despite Our Feelings
I personally feel that the imprecatory psalms are some of the most fascinating to study. These are the psalms that were written to request God invoke judgment on one’s enemies, and yet, even they point to God’s faithfulness. It’s there we learn to bring all of our feelings to God.
As a teenager, I often turned to the Psalms any time I opened my great big Woman Thou Art Loosed Bible because I enjoyed the imagery the psalms elicit. The words there helped me fill in the gaps when my own prayers felt dull and lifeless.
Even as a grown woman, I continue to find solace there for the same reasons. However, I have been drawn to more. During my study of 1 and 2 Samuel, I began to wonder if there were resources that could help me study the Psalms David wrote more carefully.
Researching the Psalms
I wanted to know when exactly he wrote Psalm 23 or what on earth was going on in his life when he wrote Psalm 4, so I went on a hunt.
I have scoured countless resources, but two strengthened my study in unbelievable ways. They gave me new context for the Psalms and reaffirmed my love for these beautiful divisions in our Bible in new ways.
However, the research was still piecemeal. Most of the research referenced 1 Chronicles, not 1 and 2 Samuel. It was also presented in an order that wasn’t easy to follow at times. Additionally, I like to organize my research in a way that is chronological, so I have reorganized it.
When you download it, you’ll see it’s presented in a succinct timeline as my gift to those of you who purchase Selah.
Let’s Talk Citations
Don’t worry, I cited the research so you can continue to conduct your own study, but it’s my prayer that this little download strengthens your love of the Psalms and scripture in general.
Additionally, I have color coded each of the Psalms based on the genre in which they belong.
As someone who struggled with depression for decades, it gave me incredible comfort to find that most of the Psalms David penned were Psalms of lament, and I hope that it revives your faith in the God who shows up faithfully for us, despite the feelings we endure.
Whether you’re teaching a small group or preaching from a pulpit, I believe this resource will help you share content about the Psalms with greater clarity than before. Thank you for purchasing Selah.
This September
Our study starts in September, and it features:
- Six sessions with five lessons each;
- Thirty guided prayers and six video lessons;
- A look at the Psalms that connect to 1 and 2 Samuel; and
- Live video teaching with Liv every Tuesday, beginning September 19.
I am leading a Selah study, however, we are delayed due to Study Guides not shipped. Can you please let me know WHEN they are available and when Liv’s teaching sessions are available to watch. I thought they started this week, but cannot tell for sure. Please guide me on this. Thank you!
Hi Carolyn, this is Liv and I am so grateful that you are here! The video sessions and the guided prayers are all on demand, so you can watch those as you choose and return to them as often as you like. I will be hosting a live study every Tuesday in a free Facebook group called The Colorfully Candid Collective, but it is completely optional. If you choose to join us, we’ll be going through an overview of the study next week as we continue to wait for our orders.