
The Humility It Takes to Lay Down Your Power with Best Selling Author, Mekdes Haddis

October 9, 2022

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv โ€” Bible teacher and Podcaster. The Best Kept Secret with Liv Dooley exists to help you identify the secret to healing and confidently connecting with others despite your past.

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv โ€” Bible teacher and Podcaster. I'm here to help cultivate greater confidence so that God can display His creativity more completely through you.

When was the last time you thought about inviting the Lord to bless you with the humility it takes to lay down your power? An Interview with Mekdes Haddis

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Today, I’m so grateful for Mekdes Haddis and the time she’s spent with us. As a missionary from Ethiopia, she serves the western Church to help bring attention to the mutuality that must exist between the missionary and the receiver of missionaries if the mission is to be effective and helpful.

As we prepare for this conversation, I’d like to invite you to consider Ephesians 4:1-6 with me. The New International Version reads:

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Mekdes Challenged Us To Think About The:

  • Importance of mutuality to the body of Christ
  • Inconsistencies that exist among those who go on missions and those who return from the missions
  • Current problem with western missions
  • Issues you encounter when you diminish the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Position missionaries must take
  • Strength of your witness in your home

Enough said. Press play.

Connect with Mekdes on IG

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Purchase The Number One Best Selling Book in Missions on Amazon: A Just Mission

Get Coaching From Mekdes

Scattered by Andrew Scott

The first step to walking freely in your calling and engaging in collaboration is to understand how your confidence connects to it. Are you the Queen, the Creative, or the Conqueror? Take my 2 Minute Quiz called Confident Collaborations to identify some of your natural strengths and how to leverage them in your collaborations.

Did You Hear?! My New Devo is Available on YouVersion

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Meet Mekdes

Mekdes Haddis is the founder and executive coach of Just Missions, an online community that elevates diaspora voices and equips Western allies to become mutual partners for the work of the gospel. Originally from Ethiopia, she moved to the United States in 2003 and earned a BS in communications from Liberty University and a master’s degree in organizational leadership from Columbia International University. She is also project director for an effort working on racial justice and reconciliation.

Haddis has worked in several churches, building discipleship and outreach strategies that are holistic in their approach to include people on the margins. She and her family live in South Carolina.

Meet Your Host

There is nothing Liv loves to talk about more than the Word of God. She is a Bible teacher, author, and the podcast host of The Best Kept Secret with Liv Dooley. Liv is passionate about helping creatives become confident and communicate clearly about Christ Jesus.  When Liv is not writing, teaching, or podcasting, you can find her hiking a mountain, taking a road trip with her husband, or curled up in the corner with a good book. You can connect with Liv on IG at @candidliv.
