
Fearless or Faithful

February 7, 2022

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. The Best Kept Secret with Liv Dooley exists to help you identify the secret to healing and confidently connecting with others despite your past.

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. I'm here to help cultivate greater confidence so that God can display His creativity more completely through you.

I have resisted it for years now, but I’m finally doing it. I’m launching a Facebook Group with Colorfully Candid. Ahhhh! I have literally put it off for FOREVER.

So Why Now?

I joined two online Facebook groups last year that I LOVE. Before I joined these groups, I could not stand them! People added me to a few without my permission, and I always wondered, how did I get in this group?

Engagement for many of them was incredibly low and I always wondered what the benefit of a Facebook group was. It literally seemed like it was one more thing to do to say you did. Until, I saw the power of collaboration and it is beautiful.

Life Looks Different Now

Although, we hosted multiple events that were successful during the greater part of the pandemic (yes, we were safe), life will forever be different. I recently heard a preacher say we need to stop trying to get back to normal and get in the will of God.

With that being said, women need to be empowered to use their God given gifts more now than ever. The group is going to be a free group, where we are simply offering information. We’re not even asking you to pay us for it. In return, it’s my hope that you’ll get to work on that God-given goal that only you can accomplish.

There Are So Many Questions

I literally have no clue if anyone will join or engage, but I have felt the Lord telling me to share more about my writing and help others start, too. In the past, I’ve published books for clients and helped them along their publishing journey with consultations. Although I will still take consultations, I’ve stopped publishing books and I have shied away from helping others complete the process for themselves for too long.

I also know a gang of people who are doing AHHHHMAZING things for the Lord, and it’s my hope they’ll pop their heads in and help teach us as well. How embarrassing would it be if there were crickets? It’s a risk I’m willing to take because when God supplies the vision, He supports it as well. Here goes nothing!

Fearless or Faithful?

Some of the people we admire most for their fearlessness are simply just faithful. We admire their fearlessness because it looks like confidence, as if they could care less about what others think. However, I think that’s false. I think they care. I just think they care more about what God says and thinks. I think they are more concerned with impacting their generation and leaving a legacy for their families than they are with what people think about them. And I think it’s one attitude we could all use a little more. Fearlessness is not about doing anything unafraid. It’s about remaining faithful to the vision God gave you.

I had the opportunity to host a BOMB conversation on this very subject last season on The Best Kept Secret. You should listen in.
