
How to Steward the Small Things

September 30, 2024

study the psalms in light of 1 and 2 samuel with this free download

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. The Best Kept Secret with Liv Dooley exists to help you identify the secret to healing and confidently connecting with others despite your past.

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. I'm here to help cultivate greater confidence so that God can display His creativity more completely through you.


A Conversation on Little Things, Celebrating Others, and Trusting God with Rachael K Adams

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How to Live a Life of Contentment

During this episode, we are learning how to trust God to increase the little we commit to Him for His glory.

Today, we’re reflecting on 1 Peter 4:7-11 NIV

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Meet Rachael

Rachael was born and raised in a small Kentucky lake town. After she married her college sweetheart, Bryan, she moved him there too. Together, they run a family business and live on a farm with their two children, Will and Kate, and two doodle dogs named Buster and Penny.

Rachael spends her days taking care of their farm and home. When she isn’t doing something with or for her family, she loves to get together with friends, cook, take walks, and read Christian nonfiction. Her writing and podcasting journey began when she was sitting in church and saw a love offering envelope in the pew in front of her. She sensed the whispering to her heart that we are his love offerings to the world. So Rachael began having conversations with women who were living faithfully and loving the world around them in practical and tangible ways.

Through the conversations she’s had and through her own personal experience, Rachael discovered that many of us don’t believe our contributions or offerings matter. It is Rachael’s hope that this devotional and her ministry can change this narrative. She wants to encourage women to realize their God-given purpose and believe their lives are significant to His kingdom. Because in God’s hands, small acts done with great love can have an enormous impact.

Connect with her by visiting rachaelkadams.com, @rachaeladamsauthor on social media, and by tuning in to The Love Offering podcast every Tuesday on your favorite listening platform.


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Want to find out what was going on in King David’s life when he wrote the psalms He’s known for? Grab your download here.

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Meet Your Host

There is nothing Liv loves to talk about more than the Word of God. She is a Bible teacher, speaker, and writer. Liv is passionate about helping women enjoy intimacy and confidence in Christ.  When Liv is not writing, teaching, or podcasting, you can find her hiking a mountain, taking a road trip with her husband, or curled up in the corner with a good book. You can connect with Liv on IG at @candidliv.

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