
How to Live a Life of Surrender

August 25, 2024

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. The Best Kept Secret with Liv Dooley exists to help you identify the secret to healing and confidently connecting with others despite your past.

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Hey y'all, I'm Liv — Bible teacher and Podcaster. I'm here to help cultivate greater confidence so that God can display His creativity more completely through you.


A Conversation on Surrender, Healing, and the Holy Spirit with Vivian Mabuni

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How to Live a Life of Surrender

The Best Kept Secret exists to help women identify the secret to healing their hearts and connecting with others despite their past. Here, you’ll find engaging conversations and important questions that help us connect to the body of Christ despite what the culture believes to be true.

This season, we are learning how the enemy misleads church girls and to what lengths the Lord goes to restore our faith in Him.

Today, we’re reflecting on John 16:7-11 CSB:

Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: About sin, because they do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; and about judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

Meet Vivian

Vivian Mabuni is a national speaker, author, bible teacher and podcast host. Her writing has appeared in Christianity Today, SheReadsTruth, Our Daily Bread, Propel Sophia and her teachings have been featured on the YouVersion Bible App’s “Verse of the Day.”

With over 30 years on staff with Cru, Viv loves teaching about the Bible and its practical application to ministry and life. She has been a keynote speaker at IF:Gathering, Cru Winter Conferences, Family Life’s “Weekend To Remember,” and women’s events across the country.

Author of “Open Hands, Willing Heart”, she also serves on the Board of Trustees for Denver Seminary and is the founder & host of “Someday Is Here” a podcast for AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) leaders. Viv loves drinking coffee with her husband of 32 years, Darrin, and marveling at their young adult kids. Connect with her on Instagram@vivmabuni or on her website www.vivianmabuni.com


Purchase Open Hands Willing Heart

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Meet Your Host

There is nothing Liv loves to talk about more than the Word of God. She is a Bible teacher, speaker, and writer. Liv is passionate about helping women enjoy intimacy and confidence in Christ.  When Liv is not writing, teaching, or podcasting, you can find her hiking a mountain, taking a road trip with her husband, or curled up in the corner with a good book. You can connect with Liv on IG at @candidliv.

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