the place for conversations that will compliment your journey with jesus and help you cultivate greater confidence

Articles by Liv

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Prayer is my love language, but it didn’t always start that way. It started out feeling overwhelming and scary. If that’s you, I’m here to tell you, you’re already on the right track! Now, let me help you pray with greater ease and enjoyment.

5 Ways to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

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Discipleship is overwhelming until you have the resources to navigate it. Thankfully, God has called Kristie Anyabwile to write Bible studies and resources for us, sand she is here to remind us we do not have to be afraid of making mistakes.

How to Move Beyond the Fear of Making Mistakes


In God’s economy, the small things matter. He wastes nothing, so stop allowing the enemy to lie and lead you to believe it’s not significant if it’s not large. Rachael K Adams is here to help us steward the small things well and this one is going to be good for your soul.

How to Steward the Small Things


Is there anything more that steals your joy more easily than comparing your call to others in your life? It’s easy to look at big numbers and neglect the beauty of what the Lord has entrusted into your hands when it feels like it’s on a much smaller scale. However, Yodit is here to help us remember we are called to the ones.

Is there anything more intimidating than inviting people into your real life? Maybe it doesn’t have to be. Yolanda Solomon is here to transform our view about discipleship by inviting the Holy Spirit to do the heavy lifting.

How to Invite People into Your Real Life


This episode, we are learning how to trust the Lord with every aspect of our lives and invite His presence to transform the hardest parts. If you feel like you’re either going to laugh or cry, Molly is here to encourage you.

How to Laugh More and Cry Less


What does it mean to stop searching for validation amid the work the Lord has called you to? Mariela Rosario is here to talk to us about what it means when she speaks fire.

What does it look like to live a life of surrender? Listen in to how surrender changes everything from generational sin patterns to the way you connect with others.

How to Live a Life of Surrender


How does a church girl who once led Bible study in her elementary school get caught up in witchcraft in college? Listen in so you can pray more effectively for the next generation.

How God Saved A Church Girl from Witchcraft


Have you ever questioned if your inability to experience contentment is connected to your decision to hold on to assignments you should have released? Could it be time to walk away from a few things? Today, Dr. Quantrilla Ard walks us through a few mental shifts we need to make note of in order to ensure we are being effective for the Kingdom of God.

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It took me entirely too long to own my voice as an author and a Bible teacher. I don't want the same for you! Take the quiz I've created to help you identify with a Biblical figure as you learn from their strengths AND weaknesses. Have a feeling you may be dealing with a little imposter syndrome or some self sabotage that's eating away at your confidence? This is the test for you!

Take My Free 

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let's grow together!


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Can We Get to Know One Another?

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Your confidence directly affects your ability to communicate and collaborate with others. Let's find out what your confidence style is?

learn what areas you can strengthen

Take the next step towards the Most Confident Version of Yourself...

Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul 

Have you ever realized that

The Embarrassing Thing About Unfollowing Friends

My finger hovered over the

5 Things to Do to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

If prayer feels overwhelming

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