the place for conversations that will compliment your journey with jesus and help you cultivate greater confidence

Articles by Liv

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Prayer is my love language, but it didn’t always start that way. It started out feeling overwhelming and scary. If that’s you, I’m here to tell you, you’re already on the right track! Now, let me help you pray with greater ease and enjoyment.

5 Ways to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

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Powered by RedCircle Listen on Apple | Listen on Spotify New Resources Read Hannah’s prayer with Liv in 1 Samuel 2:1-10 as we pray together. If you have yet to get it, you can order your copy of Selah: A Study of 1 and 2 Samuel here by Liv Dooley. Don’t forget, as a bonus, Liv is […]

Session One Lesson One Guided Prayer


Session 1: Worship Invites You to Remember 1 Samuel 1-1 Samuel 12 Additional Resources If you have yet to get it, you can order your copy of Selah: A Study of 1 and 2 Samuel here by Liv Dooley. Don’t forget, as a bonus, Liv is offering a free download to help you recognize when the psalms […]

Session One Video Session


Today, we are talking to Dr. Mark Batterson about his book, Please, Sorry, Thanks, and the negative impact of celebrity culture on the Church. Sis, get ready, because season five is going out with a bang!

Dr. Mark Batterson on The Best Kept Secret

Sis, the next generation is watching, and God is using your life to win their hearts. Stephanie Bright is the founder of Christian Girls P.O.P. and she is here to help us model what it looks like to follow Christ at every age.

Leading Teens Through Toxic Relationships


Stephanie Bright on The Best Kept Secret

Tarah-Lynne is the fashion editor at Cosmopolitan, and she is known for her faith as much as she is known for her fashion. She is here to remind us how important integrity is to wear as we represent the Lord on a daily basis.

Wearing Integrity in the Fashion Industry


You have a fingerprint that you leave on the world when you worship the Lord, and it is necessary and beautiful. However, we can get caught up obsessing over the fruit if we’re not careful. As Jenny Erlingsson, a missionary to Iceland, shares with us, the fragrance is up to the Lord. Trust Him.

Jenny Erlingsson

It is true that we love a good God-given goal over here. However that goal should never take precedence over the pursuit of God’s presence. Thankfully, Hannah Schermerhorn is here to help us find a balance between contentment and the consistent opportunity we have to dream.

Common Myths about Singleness


Hannah Schermerhorn on the Best Kept Secret

Today, we are continuing to pursue integrity as we talk to Brenna Blain about how to have hard conversations about sexuality, mental health, and other subjects.

Sexuality and Other Necessary Subjects


Brenna Blain

It’s time to get serious about your calling and commit to the hard work of healing so you can lead with integrity. Thankfully, Jo Saxton, is here to help us with that as we talk about leading beyond brokenness, regret, and jealousy so that we may obtain the integrity and character necessary to influence others well.

Take the quiz

It took me entirely too long to own my voice as an author and a Bible teacher. I don't want the same for you! Take the quiz I've created to help you identify with a Biblical figure as you learn from their strengths AND weaknesses. Have a feeling you may be dealing with a little imposter syndrome or some self sabotage that's eating away at your confidence? This is the test for you!

Take My Free 

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let's grow together!


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Can We Get to Know One Another?

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Your confidence directly affects your ability to communicate and collaborate with others. Let's find out what your confidence style is?

learn what areas you can strengthen

Take the next step towards the Most Confident Version of Yourself...

Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul 

Have you ever realized that

The Embarrassing Thing About Unfollowing Friends

My finger hovered over the

5 Things to Do to Develop Your Prayer Life Today

If prayer feels overwhelming

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